The Daily Journal (San Mateo), Mihir Zaveri, 8/3/12. "Commuters bracing for BART strike: State officials call on managers and union leaders to reach an agreement."
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Strike on? If you can, maybe consider staying home |
The nation’s fifth-largest rail system, BART carries more than 400,000 commuters a day, keeping them off the roads in a region routinely choked with traffic." Read article.
Related - Note: photograph from ABC 7, 7/3/13, 36 photographs of the 7/1/13 Bart Strike. "In their first strike in 16 years, BART workers walked off the job the morning of July 1, 2013, after failing to come to terms on a new labor contract. The move snarled the morning commute and forced 400,000 daily passengers to find alternative methods of transportation." KGO Photo, #23.
Update NO STRIKE today, 8/5/12 - Sacramento Bee, 8/5/13. "Governor intervenes to avoid BART strike." "After threats of a midnight BART strike - a result of months at the bargaining table - Gov. Jerry Brown called for a seven-day investigation into the labor dispute. A three-person board will report back with findings, and Brown's action prohibits any possible strike in the meantime. “For the sake of the people of the Bay Area, I urge – in the strongest terms possible – the parties to meet quickly and as long as necessary to get this dispute resolved,” Brown said in his order." Note: This link was sent-in by an anonymous blogger.
Related article - Mercury News/Mike Rosenberg, 8/5/13. "BART strike: 60 day cooling-off order seems inevitable, experts suggest." "A day after Gov. Jerry Brown ordered BART employees to stay on the job for a week to avert another maddening rail shutdown, it became clearer Monday that trains will likely keep rolling for at least another two months."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
This is the Bay Area media creating loom and doom. The unions and Bart promised to give 72 hour notice before they went on strike.
It's a failure of Goverment on the State and Federal to allow this to happen. Either the state through the Governors Office or the President could have ordered a 60 day cooling off period and sent in federal negotiators.
Another epic failure by our government.
I hope BART fires these lazy ungrateful button pushers. It shouldn't be too hard to find replacements. Although it may take time to learn how to be rude, uncaring and to sleep on the job. They are already the highest paid transit workers in the state and now they want a 21% raise? These strikes should be made illegal.
11:03 just proved that liberalism is a mental disorder.
"..liberalism is a mental disorder." 12:01 PM.
And does your comment suggests you might be a right-wing, robot?
Wealth distribution at the top, and fair benefits for workers across government and private industry might be a better (more evolved) consideration for those of us in the spectrum of middle-class.
I know, such across-the-board fairness is a "commie" idea, and would not affect you personally. Until you personally do not get your fair share, you would likely be against fairness, at least for you. Sure, keep proving to yourself your socio-political ideology is sane and rational, while justifying the more evolved "liberals" lack merit. How very sane FYV. How about you give yourself an award for comprehensive thinking too?
Across the board fairness which means rich people should give money to the poor so everyone can be middle class? Incase you been in a coma for the last 30 years, the poor segment is getting bigger, and the rich segement is getting bigger and the middle class is slowly getting smaller and smaller.
And you think its a good idea for people to just assume the hell with it, the government will give me food stamps, free healthcare, section 8 housing, oh wait they will pay me more per kid I have, oh wait they will pay to have the kid and give me more food stamps?
You probably think the 3rd and 4th generation welfare is a good idea also? Section 8 warehousing the poor for 3 or 4 generations.
I love it how you democrats get so wound up when we point out your system doesn't work also.
You say it isn't a mental disorder, it is also a severe character flaw.
I forgot to mention:
free schooling
free breakfast and lunch at school.
My house is paid off. Only took 7 years on a 15 year loan?
I work for my money, that is why I dispise the deadbeats.
Aspire to a bigger piece of the pie for everyone not just the lords of the manor.
Boot-licking is really so un-American.
125 you show signs of a character flaw much more serious than any political choice could ever be.
Complaining about bellyaching about what other people make, is also an extreme mental disorder.
Get off the couch and go to work lazy bums
"I work for my money, that is why I despise the deadbeats." Anonymous 1:25 PM. Yeah, "you got yours" today. Good luck with that.
Now, if you are not a robot, but really just a human masquerading as a robot, how about working on grace and humility? And even though you show no evidence of human, spiritual ethics, maybe try saying "for the grace of god go I" 100 times every day for 1 month. There may be hope for you yet.
1:10 PM, without a social network system, which should be better and stronger than it is, more poor, disabled, disadvantaged people would be in the street. Disease and chaos would follow. Rich people are the advantaged 1 to 10% who own 99% to 90% of ALL wealth in this nation. And you think that's not a major structural problem for the USA? Think middle-class.
1:55 PM, the financial inequities less advantaged people have are frequently not about puritanical notions of humans being "lazy bums". To the extent someone feels more advantaged, and blames others for not being as advantaged is descriptive of ego-centric, tribal blind reasoning. Your "Lazy bums" comment is just name calling, and seems to be similar to the dictionary description of white trash.
The biggest danger to this country, or any other for that matter, is the rot and decay proudly exhibited in comments
@110, 125 and 155.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
I will take your comments under advisement. Ghandi.
Umm Not.
Back to the topic... BART workers are greedy, whiny, money grubbers. Disband the union and give people who really need work their jobs, and they would love them at current salaries. Unlike the silly arguments on this blog about anyone on the street taking over a safety officer's job, pretty much anyone could work for BART.
438 rot on!
The overpaid rude button pushing BART deadbeats should be fired if they walk off the job.
Us taxpayers have been paying for BART since the early 70'. We paid to build the system. We pay to keep it afloat. We pay when they go on strike. We pay and pay and pay.
Their salaries, benefits, pensions and vacations are way above the average of any employment group in the Bay Area (public or private)
This is wrong.
They are greedy, ungreatful and taking full advantage of our stupidity.
While we're at it we need to fire the Board of Directors too for allowing this debacle.
This is not a right wing, left wing, liberal or conservative issue. This is just common sense.
For the record I am a liberal Democrat and I'm fed up with this bullshit.
8:33, you haven't been on BART in four years, since you left California.
No Bart Strike!
as predicted.
Get over it yip yip.
I'm not Drama from Texas.
About time Jerry grew a pair. Now he needs to look at making these strikes illegal.
7:36, the ease with which you lie is truly a wonder to behold.
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