Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A new low letter to the editor

A New Pacifica Low!

In the last couple weeks there have been a couple letters to the editor that came to my attention. There was one that was shocking and pretty much set a new low in the history of the City Of Pacifica:  Nancy Hall's letter callously and slanderously attacking Frank Vella. I have personally known Frank since grade school and can say that letter was 100% false. Going after Frank, a local realtor in a town where he does business, was Nancy Hall’s retaliation for her failed Bio-Diesel plant.

Pacifica had a perfect chance to bring Chevron, one of the worlds largest petroleum  companies in the world, to build the plant. Instead the city chose to do business with another "state of the art" plant. Wow, Pacificans, the last time we heard "state of the art" was with our Waste Water Treatment plant, and how many problems have we had with that?

Whole Energy didn't have the money or experience to build a plant. Ms Hall was the local spokesman for the project and even went to the Coastal Commission hearing with Pacifica's mayor at the time Jim Vreeland. In fact, at the meeting the Commission members were confused cause Mr. Vreeland did most of the talking. Nice to be able to do this while getting paid by the EPA Jim!

Ms. Hall, you never quite told us the truth how far involved you where on your little pet project, refused to disclose any compensation you received for your work for Whole Energy, and when the whole project got shut down by CAL OSHA, you went into hiding.

You and your gang of, "keep Pacifica poor and build nothing revenue producing" has led the city close to Bankruptcy.

Ms. Hall I am inviting you to correct me if I am wrong but I believe the only thing on your resume is that you play in a local band. Playing the guitar and singing doesn't make you qualified to run, operate, or try to get a bio-diesel plant built.

I find it ironic and a bit hypocritical that your own song "No Fighting" is the 100% polar opposite of what you have done for every revenue producing project in Pacifica.  You also continually dismissed and denigrated critics of the biodiesel project, especially when it came to plant safety.  So what did you say after Whole Energy was shut down for unsafely digging a trench without permits?  Not a word.

You and your "greenies" have lost  the city of Pacifica hundreds of millions of dollars in lost tax revenue.

Thank our lucky stars above that Term Limits passed, Thank You Bernie and Deborah. Soon, the council will shift, we will get some quality people, instead of the current council who dolled out "pet projects" and catered to the "no growth, this is how Pacifica lives" crowd.

Jim Alex
Park Pacifica

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