Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.
Open session, 7 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session, none. Closed Session Report, none.
Item 5. Linda Mar Beach bacteria monitoring. |
Consent Calendar
2. Approval of
City Council meeting Minutes, report. a) 11/14/16.
3. Cancellation of 12/23/16 City Council meeting, report.
4. MOU side-letter to San Mateo County Firefighters, IAFF Local 2400, Pacifica Firefighters: requiring each unit member to contribute one percent (1%) of his/her base salary into a pretax 401(a)(h) account (for retirement medical expenses). No fiscal impact to the City, report. a) Side letter (final).
5. Approval of San Mateo Resource Conservation District for Pacifica Inter-Agency agreement: 1) Pacifica State Beach bacteria monitoring services, $133,494, with 2) San Mateo County reimbursing one quarter of the monitoring and reporting cost, $33,374, report. a) San Mateo County Resource Conservation District. b) Pacfica State Beach Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Services.
6. Resolution, approving City Manager, Lorie Tinfow's employment agreement, third amendment: base salary $224,824, (annual City budget $5,756), report/resolution. a) employment agreement, 1/1/17.
7. Resolution, approving the Paul and Amy Kukielka dba Chit Chat Cafe lease Agreement, 2100 Beach Boulevard, located at the Pacifica Pier, report/resolution. a) lease,11/1/16, up to 5 years.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. Public Hearings, none.
3. Cancellation of 12/23/16 City Council meeting, report.
4. MOU side-letter to San Mateo County Firefighters, IAFF Local 2400, Pacifica Firefighters: requiring each unit member to contribute one percent (1%) of his/her base salary into a pretax 401(a)(h) account (for retirement medical expenses). No fiscal impact to the City, report. a) Side letter (final).
5. Approval of San Mateo Resource Conservation District for Pacifica Inter-Agency agreement: 1) Pacifica State Beach bacteria monitoring services, $133,494, with 2) San Mateo County reimbursing one quarter of the monitoring and reporting cost, $33,374, report. a) San Mateo County Resource Conservation District. b) Pacfica State Beach Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Services.
6. Resolution, approving City Manager, Lorie Tinfow's employment agreement, third amendment: base salary $224,824, (annual City budget $5,756), report/resolution. a) employment agreement, 1/1/17.
7. Resolution, approving the Paul and Amy Kukielka dba Chit Chat Cafe lease Agreement, 2100 Beach Boulevard, located at the Pacifica Pier, report/resolution. a) lease,11/1/16, up to 5 years.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. Public Hearings, none.
Public hearing
8. First reading, adopt the 2016 Edition of Calforonia Building Standards Code with local amendments, report. a) Building Standards Code with Local Amendments, pdf pages 44. b) Stormwater Management and Discharge Control, pdf pages 13. c) Sewer Lateral Compliance Certificate, pdf pages 3.
9. July 4, 2016 activities, report. a) Fireworks sales 2016, net proceeds $116,735.03.
10. Police body worn camera implementation plan, report. a) San Mateo County Superior Court report, pdf pages 48. b) City response to Grand Jury Report, pdf pages 3.
Note photograph of Linda Mar Beach from Linda Mar State Beach, Pacifica | Pacifica Beach Coalition.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
The annual base salary for Ms. Tinfow will be Two Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand
Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Dollars ($224,824.00) and the costs associated with
this Third Amendment is expected to increase the annual budget for City Manager
compensation by approximately Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars
So what's your point Dan?
No point to make Steve.
"No point." Exactly.
Everyone buckle up for some mischaracterization and outright lying from the Stink Man. A raise for Tinfow??!! Nuh-uh. Not on his watch. He's gonna bust this story WIDE OPEN!!!
LOL at how he doesn't have the balls to post stuff to his own zero-traffic pacifica.stink site anymore and he has to go to other blogs to get his ya-ya's off. Take note how the Chamber shut his ass down recently.
I can't wait until he crosses the wrong person and gets his dragged to court for defamation. In fact, rumor has it that certain persons in town are evaluating their options. I hope Stinky has a good liability policy covering his online Woodward & Bernstein roleplay. Oh wait, he doesn't? Oops. That's gonna be kind of expensive. Like, REAL expensive!
Gosh, maybe Stinky got a whiff of this and that's why he's been scrubbing Next Door and no longer posts to his own site, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? Too bad people have been archiving everything for some time now. E-ver-y-thing.
1:20 PM - You talkin' to me?
What is the deal with the Quarry site now that the measure to change the zoning has failed?
Will the owner sell the property and move on to better things?
I heard that the owner is going to develop it into something the NOBY's deserve, thousands and thousands of storage units.
thousands and thousands of storage units and NO TRESPASSING signs.
Yep. It looks to be one of the largest self-storage facilities in CA. The entire flatlands will consist of two-story "pods" with lower profile units continuing up along the hillsides. Nothing on the ridges though.
There will be small access roads (more like alleys), and minimal need for utilities, just lots and lots of fencing so it won't trigger much of a review.
1:00, I'm thinking that they sell to a techie who builds his own giant compound, fences the perimeter with a narrow walkway to the coast and lives like a hermit. No more dog park for Loeb or feral cat haven for his wife. There'd be some jobs for gardener's and servants. House cleaners, too. Just about it I would guess. Perfect.
Or storage units. More Pacifica like.
It would never be approved.
Not sure who I could contact, but I am interested in acquiring the property.
Any thoughts on who the right person is, to talk to?
@855 Talk to GOD.
8:55, call Loeb. I'm sure he can work a deal for you. Now that's he and his cabal are in charge again they're be all kind of side deals to be done. For a slight fee of course.
Buy it.
Fence it off.
Sell jars of Pacifica fog from a roadside stand.
No dogs. No poop. No Loeb.
There's no one to talk to about purchasing the quarry property because it's not up for sale. The community didn't allow 200 apartment units for selfish reasons, so too bad so sad, the developer is going with Plan B which is the storage project previously mentioned. They manage a number of these already in the midwest and they're low-maintenance so they can get a decent return on them because there's not much outlay and they're consistent rent generators year after year.
Quarry is already zoned for it, there will be almost no traffic impact, and there will be nothing for the no-no-no crowd to oppose since it conforms with existing land use plans. It is going to be a massive complex though and will be interesting to see if it puts Pacifica on the map as storage capital of the bay area.
Michigan will sell the quarry to Wal-Mart. The new Super Wal-Mart will put 80% of Pacifica small businesses out of business.
Many Thanks to Loeb and his goons.
I'd love a Super Walmart in the quarry. Bring it on.
Its either frogs and snakes or nothing. The developer would be smart to cash out, cut losses and run. Hopefully, the developer is smart enough.
He should understand, there are pressing reasons why this property has remained undeveloped in many decades. Hope he wises up or maybe he'll be a fool and burn a hole in his pocket fighting the city.
The fools who need to wise up are the citizens of Pacifica. We have allowed ourselves to be bullied for decades by these phony frog lovers.
These selfish commies think they are entitled to occupy private property and make everyone else pay for it. Not only are they violating private property rights, they are also crippling Pacifica's economy by making any kind of useful development of the Quarry an impossibility.
Wake up Pacifica. You're getting screwed again.
What can you do? What will you do? Ranting doesn't count.
Pro-development faction of Pacifica has lost. That is the reality of it.
The so called pro-development faction has indeed lost. Smearing those of us who who really only want a Pacifica that can maintain itself and take care of basic human needs, as pro-development, is just more of the bullshit propaganda that is destroying our town right before our eyes.
The selfish pigs who pretend to love frogs, snakes, plovers and "natural" coastal erosion more than humans don't care about you or Pacifica. It is sport for them and they know how to play the game. They readilly accept tax payer welfare and grants rather than work responsibly for their own futures like normal adults. They have no moral center. They will rig a local election, lie compulsively and use any means possible to get their way. They will sue to fatten their wallets and install their lackeys in every position of influence to ensure that "they get theirs, screw everybody else".
Wake up Pacifica. You're being screwed again.
Don't hate the player. Learn the game.
Obviously, your opponents are bringing their top game.
Other than ranting, what options do you really have?
The problem with the rant is that it's not true. "The selfish pigs who pretend to love ... It is sport for them ... They readilly accept tax payer welfare and grants rather than work ... They have no moral center ... They will rig a local election, lie compulsively and use any means possible to get their way. ... They will sue to fatten their wallets ..." etc. If the ranter believes this, that is the reason he will lose.
6:46.....that is the reason he will lose.
Men aren't the only ones who believe that Pacifica has been held hostage by and seriously degraded as a city by this selfish group of self appointed environmental experts in Pacifica. I am usually a pretty mild manored woman who mostly pays attention to raising my kids and being a positive force in the community. After decades of abuse by these so called NOBY's I am sick of their arrogant and self reighteous attitude towards any one outside of their mutual admiration club.
This recent election trick pulled off by Ms. Martin and her handlers only proves that they are dishonest at their core and only care about their agenda. They have finally revealed their true nature for all to see. They won't govern any differently and we Pacificans are once again on the receiving end of their weird cultish hold on the city for another decade.
I hope our very talented and competent city staff finds new employment in a city which really governs for the good of all, not just members of their club.
We want our city back.
In the course of the last year we've seen Keener
vote NO for 2% merit increase for Tinfow
vote NO for construction of a sidewalk on Palmetto to assist disabled persons to get from Land's End to Manor Shopping Center
vote NO to allow Library ballot measure to come up for vote
endorse the NO on library bond measure in the voter pamphlet
vote NO on hotel construction at Beach Blvd. property
vote NO Palmetto Streetscape improvement
Obviously Keener is against everything, but what is he FOR?! What is his plan to improve the community? What is his plan to generate the necessary revenue to perform basic city maintenance? It's easy to say no to everything, but what is he willing to say YES to?
Ask the same questions of Martin.
I guess they plan on saying NO to everything all the way to the steps of the bankruptcy court and the agency hearings over the disasters caused by our crumbling infrastructure and negligence.
Freaking GOVERN like grown-ups and start supporting something...anything. Holy shit, there has to be something you'll say YES to that moves this town forward, right? Right???!!!
Deirdre will vote in lock step with Keener. She is beholding to the same group that pulls Keeners strings. Digre mindlessly goes along with Keener because she doesn't have the intellectual chops to do any different. O'Neill and Vaterlaus will be over ruled on every progressive vote to get this city off of life support.
Sorry folks the NOBY's did it again. This time they stole the election by illigitamently installing Deirdre through political shennanigans. (read Steve Sinai's letter to the editor in today's Tribune) I guess if it worked for Trump it worked for them too.
These people are evil liars. Pay attention. They will be votig against the good of the city and for the good of themselves every time.
Their vision of Pacifica's future is a "dreamy wetland covered with trails" with a substantial exodus of people (including the current goverrnment administration) which will leave more for their cult to enjoy.
I don't care about figuring out what Keener and crew are for. Hell I'd just like to know what they won't BLOCK.
Anyone can say no to anything. My three-year-old is real good at it. It doesn't take much moral courage to sit on the back bench and throw wrenches into the hard work of others.
It's standing up and putting your time and energy into something bigger than yourself that counts for something. So the way I see it, Keener, Digre, and Martin don't count for squat.
138, except Mayor Sue Digre is voting with pro-City improvement City Council members this year-- let's hope that continues.
Careful, Digre's intellect may be high for this City, and often her decency is commendable. (These are likely contributing reasons for her incumbent reelection success.)
Soooo... this year, the "NO thanks!" award for supporting almost everything NIMBY goes exclusively to Councilmember John Keener).
Big thanks to Steve Sinai for his follow-up election Letter, which the Tribune printed.
And big thanks to Bob Hutchinson for his follow-up election Letter, which the Tribune refused to print.
Both Letters are now posted here.
I think Sue Digre is underestimated.She did nothing wrong as Mayor and is good facilitator in divided council.
Attack her ideology all you want (she'd say that's your right), but Digre is an ethical person who cares about all of her community. She is a true believer in the democratic process and she refuses to play ball behind the scenes. That in itself sets her apart from the rest of the Pacifica political scrum she's served with. You wouldn't want a council or Senate or Congress full of Digre's, but one or two are sorely needed to keep the rest "honest" and remind them who they work for.
"She is a true believer in the democratic process and she refuses to play ball behind the scenes."
Working things behind the scenes is how stuff gets done in politics. And it's why Digre hasn't achieved much. Sorry to be so harsh, but it's true.
Enlighten me. What has Digre put her "stamp" on? What projects has she been the lead on and seen through to completion? She's been on council forever, so there has to be one or two, right? What are they?
Working things behind the scenes is how politicians screw the public. And that includes our golden boys and girls in Pacifica, past and present. Tempting for any ambitious politician eager to make their mark, but a very slippery and unforgiving slope.
This isn't Schoolhouse Rock, 7:09, and I'm marveling at your innocence.
If the first place anyone hears of your dopey idea is on a Monday night up on the dais, and you haven't jocked your fellow councilmembers to get buy-in ahead of time, you deserve to get it shot down.
Awww 738, marvel on, but you know I'm not talking about reaching out personally to a councilmember with whatever's on your mind. You one of those uber-savvy Masters of the Universe? Thought they went dormant in Pacifica. Off licking their wounds or something.
If you talked to more than 1 other council member "to get buy-in ahead of time" you have broken the law by violating the Brown Act.
Got a lot of Politics For Dummies online tonight.
It's not a Brown Act violation to talk to every fellow councilmember, one at a time.
Reaching out personally to your fellow councilmembers is not "working things behind the scenes." Um yeah, okay 9:09. Whatever you say.
Digre talks all the tíme about the importance of Democracy, free speech, transparency, the publics right to know. Unfortunately she is clueless about how múch her faux enviro masters violate these sacred values. Thats why they keep re-electing her. Just like George W shés a useful idiot.
In fact it IS a Brown Act violation to talk to every fellow councilmember, one at a time, especially to get buy-in ahead of time before a meeting. It's called a serial meeting. If a majority of council members communicate in person or by phone or email about "any matter within the jurisdiction of the body" they are violating the Brown Act. Even if they communicate through non-councilmember third parties, they are still violating the Brown Act if a majority are agreeing to support or oppose anything that may come before them on a future agenda. There are numerous docs on the web about understanding the Brown Act. Read one of them.
Good observation, 8:25.
Digre is a dependable enviro vote. Nothing more.
Where has she shown leadership on her own merits or on an issue of her own? How many years has she been on the Airport Roundtable? Ten? More? And yet the NextGen flight path changes happened without her realizing and she has been powerless to do anything about it. Ten years where she could have been building relationships with SFO, the FAA, you name it, but nope...can't do anything about the overhead flights.
Say what you will about Nihart, but she got shit done and brought grants and county attention to P-Town in large part due to the connections she's developed over the hill.
Digre must be napping over there.
8:44, I'm not saying that you call up everyone and strong-arm them into voting a particular way, but I think you know that as a supposed practitioner of the dark arts. There are means of giving everyone the head's up that aren't violations. So right back at you with a suggestion you check the AG's views on actual situations just like what I'm suggesting.
Be specific. What did Nihart get done? What grants did she bring? What did county attention do for us? I'm not saying it didn't happen, I just don't know what if anything specific did happen because of her.
Just off the top of my head:
funding for Pedro Point Headlands and knowing to have the area declared a special environmental area (forget the official term for this) in order to qualify for grant funding (which we got).
Funding for Linda Mar paving by working to get qualified as a regional transportation corridor.
New procedures in place and new assets for police encounters with those in mental health crisis post-Erroll Chang
She was working on getting the ocean-facing communities integrated into the Bay Area sea level rise plans (they had been larely ignored). This would enable us to obtain funding for repair of sea walls, etc., btu I'm not sure if she was able to get this finalized yet. Could be nixed now that she's no longer on council.
There are more items, but that's what I can think of quickly.
One thing I clearly remember Mary Ann advocated, besides the above, was for an easy to read City Budget documents and to have these documents available before any public hearings.
Say goodbye to all of that good work by Nihart. The three NO-migos are in charge now. Keener, Martin and their useful idiot Digre, will now obey their puppetmasters and get us back on the faux-enviro happy trail. NO NO NO. Any and all things progressive for Pacifica are verboten.
Heil Trump. Heil Loeb. Heil Verby. Heil Keener. Heil Deirdre. If you don't like it, they'll send their henchman out to deal with you and the current city staff. The USA and Pacifica are officially fucked. Get used to this illegitament power grab. It's gonna be a long four years at least.
Buck up, 3:38. Two years from now, Digre will be termed out and Keener will be up for reelection. The I-Only-Know-NO crowd may have peaked during this last election and it's a downhill slide into obscurity for them.
The number of people getting fed up with the NO-nothings grows every day they offer no-no-no solutions to halt the decay of this city.
More accomplishments from Nihart:
Steve Rhodes reports to council, "Gee willikers, I asked really nicely and used our best stationary, but those Coastal Commission meanies won't let us charge for Linda Mar beach parking." Nihart tells him that she'll make some calls and gives Rhodes marching orders to go back and to show some backbone this time. BOOM! It gets done and now we have Rangers and aren't losing money maintaining our beach facilities.
Report on Palmetto Streetscape project declares that funding comes up short. Nihart remembers a 2008 bond refinancing that set aside $1.5 mil from the savings for the project. No one else remembers this (I guess Digre was asleep again) and the $1.5M can't be found on the books anywhere. Nihart tells staff, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's there somewhere, so how about you look for it in the city hall sock drawer a little harder and do your jobs. BOOM! The $1.5 million is discovered in a missed bank account.
All of that and she's being replaced by someone whose major claim to fame is that she's picked up trash on the beach and will follow in the wake of no-no-no-Keener. What a shame.
Let's not sell Deirdre too short. Don't forget that at every speech she gave she told us how smart she is, her baby died and she's going to save our beaches. That's a pretty compelling resume coming from an illegitament council member.
I'm not a fan of Deirdre's stump speech, but that's a pretty ugly comment by any standard, 8:16.
The fact that trotted out each of these statements at every stump speech is what's ugly.
No moral center. Unscrupulous liar and manipulator of the public.
This illegitament council person will be deterrmining 20% of Pacifica's fate.
Much uglier than any criticism of her campaign.
Thank Dinah Verby for Pedro Point. Buck up! Nihart was probably the most gifted bureaucrat we've ever had and that's nothing to be sneered at. Had a natural gift for it, second only to her natural gift for self-promotion and finding every spotlight. In other words, a natural politician just like her late buddy. And now it's back to frogs and snakes and picking up trash.
Pretty sad bunch. All your eggs in Nihart's basket and she tripped over her own big soooo well-connected feet. Oooof down she goes! On the bright side, you got both a martyr and a new villain for your cause and in the same election. You're good to go!
426 Your ugly commentary is explained away by your apparent attendance at "every stump speech". Good God, man! Life is short. Don't waste it on Pacifica Politicians. Any of them. They're not in it for you.
4:48, woo-hoo! Victory high-five for the No-Shows! Celebration time as we enjoy what's left of our rotting infrastructure. Yes, it's certainly a time to be smug as we confront an existential crisis while being led by three yahoos who couldn't compromise on anything to save their lives.
Who among your Three NOmigos will fight for county funding for us?
Despite being on the airport committee since the discovery of flight, Digre managed to miss the FAA's announcement of new flight patterns, so let's get real, simply paying attention is a bridge too far for her.
Keener is persona non grata after taking a huge, smelly dump all over the county's efforts to help us with Beach Boulevard. The guy wouldn't even vote yes to constructing a small sidewalk on Palmetto. The guy is toast.
Martin? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
709 Well, ya got two years to find candidates that don't make the voters puke. Til then the three amigos will be running things. Maybe you shouldn't watch.
Oh, believe me, 2:20 AM, I'm not looking forward to the next two years.
I'm not sure what you're getting at with your puking. Maybe see a doctor about that? Dierdre Martin was in third place and wasn't going to win until the NO-NO-NO-Shows started in with their voter suppression. I wonder what fraudulent schemes they'll need to hang their hat on in 2018.
There are many reasonable candidates out there. By "reasonable," I mean someone who doesn't see the building of a sidewalk as a threat to our way of life.
Concrete is the greatest threat there is to our way of life in Pacifica, unless of course, you are a NOBY driving over it in your Prius.
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