Saturday, May 7, 2016

City budget meetings continue: Study Session, Wednesday, May 11, 2016.

City of Pacifica/City Council Agenda, pdf  pages 1. "Notice of Budget Study Session for Operating and Capital Budget Fiscal Year 2016-2017, May 11, 2016, 6 PM. Meeting location: City Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Blvd."

Image result for Balanced budget picture
Pacifica's city budget?
Related, April 25, 2016 City Council meeting article. Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 5/5/16. "Personnel changes urged for year's budget."

"... Assistant Manager Lorenzo Hines, Jr. made the budget presentation for City Council at its last meeting Apr. 25. The $30.7 million general fund budget is balanced. Expenses rose by five percent for all departments, except in public works where the increase is 14 percent, he said. Personnel changes include adding a position that is part time in finance and part time in human resources to process business licenses and to help with personnel issues. Public works and the wastewater department will be overseen by the same director who will divide his time between the two. A deputy director will be named in each department. An engineer will be hired in the wastewater department. 

....  The city receives County of San Mateo funding for excess ERAF, which the city officially considers one time funds that can be used for any purpose. The city has been paying the Pacifica Resource Center $83,000 per year using ERAF funds. The excess ERAF account has $1.9 million in it, Hines said. It will also be used for storm damage repairs.

....  With a unanimous vote by City Council, the Pacifica Resource Center will be funded out of this year’s excess ERAF, instead of next year’s, as originally planned, making the funding source more definite and immediate. Next fiscal year another decision will be made after studying what options for funding are available on the county level.

....  There are increased property tax revenues helping the city’s bottom line. The transient occupancy tax from the hotels is strong, as well. There are departments that pay for their own operation, such as Parks, Beaches and Recreation. Fees have been set in the others, such as planning, to better recover the costs of doing business. Hines proposed raising some fees."  Read article.

Reference, City Council meeting, 4/25/16, Item 6, Proposed 2016-17 General Fund Budget. Report, pdf pages 5,  a) Draft 2016-17 Operating Budget, pdf pages 33.

Note photograph of then Mayor Michael Bloomberg by Carlo Allegri/Reuters from New York Daily News, 11/22/13, "Bloomberg's balanced budget isn't quite what it seems."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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