And, exactly what legal points are NIMBIES trying to work around this time? |
How that works, I think: the City is a partner to highway 1 widening. Therefore, the City isn't objective, therefore we sue and lose again. |
is no rational reason to have a non permitted third party proposal
inserted into the city's Capital Improvement Plan. Highway 1 belongs to
the State of California and the state is solely responsible for any
improvements to any section of SR 1 within the city's boundaries.
Furthermore, how will the Planning Commission or City Council provide an
unbiased vote on any SR 1 proposal like the Calera Creek widening
proposal if the city has listed it, the fifty five million dollar widen
project as a city Capital Improvement?
The Planning Commission and City
Council have a chance to level the playing field so the residents of
Pacifica can have their ideas heard and have the same weight of an out
of third party governmental agency as powerful as Caltrans.
remove the Calera Parkway Project proposal from the city's Capital
Improvement Plan. It has no business being there, it will hamper any
objectivity by the city and worst of all it silences the public voice."
Note photographs: Man in front of truck by Toni Somes from Sunshine Coast Daily/Rural/AU. Dog from The bitter southerner.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
The take away from this is that big guys shouldn't wear stripes.
Say what? They wanted the city to hold more hearings and take more public input because they said it was a city project, but now it's not?
That is one good looking Australian Heeler aka Australian Cattle Dog aka Dingo!!
You know why the Yankees always win, it's 'cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes!!
Run, Frank, run.
6:52, Nothing unusual about hippie flip-flopping. First they said traffic on Highway 1 was too jammed to allow quarry development, and now they're saying the traffic isn't really that bad.
By Mr Bray's logic, any project proposed at Beach Bl should be pulled from the CIP because it is most likely unpermitted and built by a third party. In fact, everything that isn't being built by the city should be pulled from the CIP.
Makes perfect sense in Mr Bray's world of zero.
Tunnel project was federal and state, third and fourth party!! , with a $200 million cost over-run. Too bad the Gang of No can't get their excuses straight...
That is why the gang of no only has him write letters to the editor. He is just like Gary Busey, you have to keep him busy with small tasks, so he stays out of the way!
Love the Frank Abagnale Sr. quote! Do you think they will continue just like the mouse that will keep running in the vat of cream until they turn it into butter!
1224 These mice will run all the way to a ballot box.
I hate those meeces to pieces!!
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