Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cutting Pacifica public employee services, the fall-out

Response to citizen Todd Bray from Pacifica Police Officer Josh McFall.  Originally posted as a comment on the "San Jose Police agree to take a 10% pay cut" 4/30/11 article. 

"Mr. Bray can continue to demonize Pacifica’s public employees all he wants, but the simple fact is that your public employees did not create this mess, and drastic cuts to our compensation will not fix it. Our officers have never asked the city to make them rich – they’ve simply asked for a fair wage that provides for a decent, middle-class life in the Bay Area. Our compensation is usually below average for San Mateo County and the SF Bay Area as a whole. A few facts to consider:

FACT: As of the most recent available San Jose PD contract, a top step San Jose officer made $99,686/year NOT including their myriad incentive pays, overtime contract work, and other financial incentives. Those incentives can make up a significant part of their pay, even if they accept a cut to base pay.

FACT: Pacifica officers do not have a step system. We use a merit system in which each officer EARNS his or her annual increase until they are at the top of their range. Once at the top, poor performance can lead to an officer having their pay reduced.

FACT: Since Pacifica PD has a very difficult time retaining officers past the 5-8 year mark, most of our officers are being paid toward the bottom of their respective pay scale. Our turnover problem = your savings. Unfortunately, it also leads to more inexperienced officers on the street dealing with your emergencies.

FACT: As part of our most recent contract negotiation, Pacifica officers agreed to give up around $3,300 per officer, per year.

FACT: Also as part of our most recent contract negotiation, the Pacifica POA agreed to reduce and flat rate several of our incentive pays, reducing OUR top step officer base pay to $93,708/year. A new officer, after completion of initial training, is paid $74,268/year. Do you want to deal with a drunken domestic violence suspect wielding a bottle or a knife at 2 AM for that paycheck? If so, consider a job in law enforcement! You'll never get rich, but you just might get hit, spit on, stabbed, or otherwise injured on a "routine" call.

FACT: Within the last 5 years, despite the economic recession, we have lost 4 officers to San Francisco, 2 to Fremont, 2 to Oakland, 1 to Daly City, 1 to Richmond. That's 10 officers. In less than five years. In a city that uses 16-20 officers to patrol 24/7, that's a pretty high percentage of officers who lateral out. What do you think the message is behind those numbers? It certainly isn't that NO ONE is hiring lateral cops...

Even if the POA recommended our officers take a drastic pay cut, it would be far below market rate for what their skills are worth at another agency. The low pay, amongst a number of other factors, would lead to an eventual exodus of our most qualified officers, leaving you with whoever is left to patrol your streets. You might preserve jobs and save in the short term, but you'll lose in the long run. We might choose to take a cut to save our colleagues jobs, but many of your best officers will be updating their resumes.

And whom do you think we'd hire? Definitely not the cream of the crop. Do you really want the people working for rock bottom wages carrying a gun around your neighborhood and making decisions that have lasting effects on people’s lives?

Mr. Bray's plan will eventually get you lowest-bidder, commuter cops with no real attachment to their job, no attachment to the community, who are just looking at Pacifica as a temporary stop. Pacifica needs to commit to it's core infrastructure - public works and public safety - to hold the line on basic city services while we figure out a way out of this financial mess.

Your police officers have taken a financial hit in their last contract. We are willing to discuss other cuts in the next contract negotiation, but this problem is NOT going to be solved purely on the backs of public employees. It must be a joint venture by the employees, the community, and the city leadership."

Submitted by Josh McFall, Vice President, Pacifica Police Officers' Association


Kathy Meeh said...

Officer McFall, I don't think for a moment citizen Todd Bray's intent is to "demonize Pacifica's public employees". Rather his concerns have been to keep public employees working. But, as you have described the insufficient funding to effectively maintain a competitive police department for the safety of our citizens is structural, and has been for many years.

Anonymous said...

This is such a sad, infuriating mess. Now we're at each other's throats. City employees didn't get us into this mess and they're not going to get us out. It's going to come down to either settling for diminished, third rate services with all the problems McFall points out and many more, or paying more taxes. We can fool ourselves with lots of finger-pointing, questionable solutions and grabbing at straws but for the foreseeable future it's going to be a case of you get what you pay for. Settle for less or pay for more? Maybe we need to live with less for a while before we can make a rational decision.

John Wayne said...

Gun Up! Perdition be a'commin

Scotty said...

Exactly the points I've been making for weeks to Todd and Lionel. I spoke with the battalion chief who learned that he was being demoted the other day. He was obviously a good man, which means he can probably find another job fairly easily, and which also means we'll probably end up losing him. I don't have any magic answers, but this silly "everyone take a haircut" idea is a lose/lose proposition.

I think Steve has the best idea. If they floated a measure that included an "if this passes, Sue, Jimmy, and Pete will immediately resign" provision, I'd trust the council with my money again.

Anonymous said...

This budget debate and the pending issue of current (or more) police salary cuts or layoffs/furloughs is approaching Shakespearian levels. The irony is not lost on me.

The city has no money so perfectly qualified staff will be affected. Isn't fair but it will happen. Pacifica is not the wild west nor even close to high crime areas in the bay area, so emotional scenarios of 2AM shoot-outs are not a concern.

I personally would prefer the PD direct traffic when Rt. 1 traffic lights fail and thousands of cars stack up. But that community service never happens unless it's election time apparently.

Pacifica's current economy will not sustain its city budget. You can argue over who is to blame but at least city council knew for years they had a structural defect and kited the city budget forward. Welcome to paying the piper.

An interesting budget fact emerged out of Half Moon Bay's contracting out of their police dept.

Both the Sheriff and the Pacifica PD bid on the contact. The Pacific PD bid recommended some lay-offs in HMB, so Pacifica PD facing the same general medicine should not be a surprise.

Second, the Sheriff's proposal would save HMB $509,723 annually while Pacifica's proposal would save it only $80,171 annually. Makes one wonder how in the world the Sheriff could beat the Pacifica PD by $420,000 in savings? Maybe Pacifica Council should sharpen its pencil?

todd bray said...

Mr. Mcfall,

to the contrary far from demonizing you folks I've been suggesting ways to save all your jobs. In your zeal you have not only misrepresented my intent but made the mistake that somehow I've proposed a plan. I've merely suggested scaled pay cuts to save your job and that of all of Pacifica's public employee's. I doubt you are capable of an apology as the accusatory note of you commentary has leveled at me suggests ignorance of me, my intent and involvement in your employee contracts. Please be advised that I do not want any of you to lose your jobs. However it seems inevitable that that will happen if all of our public employee's do not act collectively. Those job loses will be on your heads, Josh, not mine.

Anonymous said...

Anon10:28 I'm fascinated by those two very different bids. Weren't both parties bidding on the same services? If so, how can there be hundreds of thousands of dollars difference? The county bid would seem to be expert and credible given their experience in providing these services. So did Pacifica overstate the service needs or just blow it? And what might that say about business as usual in Pacifica? Why aren't we looking at the county for these services? Yes, I know familiar faces are nice but at what cost? Not a popular option but it's going to be about the only option next year. All this hissing and spitting about 5% and 10% cuts is pointless. We're still in denial about the severity of this crisis. Council should be diligent in looking at a county option now to cut our losses asap.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff's Dept in P-town? I can hear the whining already. No sacred cows. Get on with it and balance the effing budget.

Anonymous said...

I for one do not believe outsourced Police officers will be as good as what we have now. Have any of you spoke to any of our current officers? They are some of the nicest and best people as well as officers around. We should be so lucky to be able to have such a group. If there was a measure to charge say $98 for property tax and the funds would be guaranteed to go to the Police Dept., I would vote for such in a heartbeat.

Thomas Clifford said...

When I had my recent medical emergency All of Pacifica's Staff that responded were the most caring and professional people you could hope to have around you in a time of need. Thanks to the police,Firemen,and EMT personnel from the bottom of my still beating heart.

Lionel Emde said...

The law, according to the consultant Mr. Isaac in the recent failed assessment election, forbids an assessment for police services.
They used firefighters, because as he put it: "Firefighters sell."

Well, at least they used to, before the second Great Depression.

The county solution for Half Moon Bay may well be where Pacifica ends up, but be advised; the Times reported that the total value of a county deputy sheriff's position is about $210,000 per year. That's BEFORE the recent upping of thier compensation by 3 percent. And they are guaranteed to be 1 percent above any other sheriff's dept. in the Bay Area for five years!

So compensation, whether you like it or not, IS the issue.

Anonymous said...

It sure is the issue. No one disputes that our local police and fire personnel are fine people doing an important job and doing it well. The problem is we cannot afford them under the current structure. California's fiscal problems may very well take a generation to cure. Where do you think that leaves Pacifica? We haven't the time to build or develop our way out of this mess although that may happen 5 years or more down the road. Meanwhile it's either pay a lot more taxes for all the various things we need and want at the city, state, and federal level or accept that changes have to be made in how city services are provided. Consolidation and outsourcing lack the personal touch of home rule but they are going to happen. Sooner would be better than later for all concerned. Cut our losses as quickly as possible and hope that many local personnel find jobs with these new service providers.

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon 956, time to promote business, and "welcome development" now. As has been said ad nauseam voting against taxes in this city is more a referendum against the policies of city council majority. Too late for all those "pet projects", consultants, trails and other "frog land ventures"-- we already spent that money.

Polls show citizens of this State will choose to extend the prior 2 year sales taxes. Why not, we sure don't want our entire economy to collapse.

This city cannot afford to not have the skeleton police and fire services we currently have. Police or fire are not important until you need one. This is city safety. Cut somewhere else, or sell some city properties. The decade leading to this financial crisis has been known by city council majority, yet they have repeatedly lead us to the usual "solution": paying additional taxes while not supporting the structure of this city.

Kathy Meeh said...

"Thanks to the police,Firemen,and EMT personnel from the bottom of my still beating heart."

Tom (721), Leon mentioned at city council you were at the hospital. We didn't know why of course. Hope you are feeling better by now, and the nasty medicines in follow-up are agreeing with you. Stay well.

Thomas Clifford said...

Thanks for the well wishes Kathy. I am recovering and plan on going to work on Monday if only for a little while to make sure things are moving forward for my client an also so I can figure out what I can bill for. I hope to be able to make the City council meeting Monday night I want to speak out against the garbage rate increase of 8%.

Anonymous said...

Well I think we need to explore all options and outsourcing the PD is a natural if unpopular idea. I'd like to hear the proposal the county might make if ever asked to provide police services. Where else would next year's 2 million in cuts come from? It's got to be a part of it. There's just not a lot of other real and timely options. It's worked for other communities and it could work here. Selling city property would be nice but are we even trying with the old WWTP? Is it listed somewhere?Developing some sort of business base is critical but seriously our track record there was awful even in good times. But hey we changed our minds and now we're in a hurry? That's going to take time. Whole lot of denial continues in Pacifica.

Anonymous said...

Take it easy Mr. Clifford. Nothing is more important than your health. Nothing.

Thomas Clifford said...

I agree that outsourcing the Police dept. is the most likely way to get to the 2 million dollar figure. Unfortunately The public will not get to see the proposals until things more or less decided. How it works is the city ask for RFP's [request for proposals],They come in and are evaluated by staff and presented at a closed door hearing. The City Council goes over the proposals with the help of staff and picks the most likely candidates. Then talks begin [again behind close doors]The city looking for the best deal for it's self and it's current employees the outside agencies looking to get the most money for their services. Once the Council picks the best deal it will be presented to the public at a regular C.C. meeting That is when we the public get our say.

Anonymous said...

In the end, its the people who vote that got us into this mess. Its the voters, stupid. Quit voting in people who have never held a real job. Quit voting for people who never had to balance a budget. Quit voting for people who think that Government can solve all our problems. Although, I believe it is too late for America. Americans are in denial.

We need to stop blaming and start fixing. Taking money away from your neighbor will not help our community, but voting in leaders that WILL CREATE JOBS by reducing regulations and permit fees, will help our communities.

I spoke with a business owner the other day that wanted to expand his business. He went out and got a estimate for his expansion, apporved and liked by the City, but the catch? the City wanted a huge chunk of money from him and they called it a "permit fee". The business owner told me he wont do it. He did his research and could find no reason for the city to ask for such a huge permit fee amount, and no permit fee really existed on the books for this type of expansion. So there you have it. While everyone is busy sabatoging each others career choices, our lovely elected leaders keep rollin in the dough and coming up with new ways to screw you.

Bye Bye American Pie.

Anonymous said...

One of Pacifica's biggest tourist attractions is the Pacifica Pier.

The City acts like it cares. Nihart said she would support fixing it up. But nothig ever happens. Inaction hurts our children and elders. Lying to the public and your voters by pretending to give a damn about them is epidemic in todays politicians.

Voters need to strike back. If our elected officials have lied, TELL IT TO THE WORLD!!!
Liars, Liars, Will be voted out. If you lie to us, you will reap the repercussions. There will be no hiding. Time has run out.

mike bell said...

"One of Pacifica's biggest tourist attractions is the Pacifica Pier".
Agreed, it is ONE of Pacifica's tourist attractions. I walk on it nearly every day. If it's so damn important why are the fishemmen (tourists) allowed to defecate and urinate all over it, leave trash, fish entrails, lines and hooks everywhere and destroy benches, tables and railings?
If this is our biggest tourist attraction then no wonder our economy is our environment.

Kathy Meeh said...

Seriously, Anons 1208, 1218, breathe. You seem way too agitated or stressed-out. This country is just working its way out of a serious recession. And 1208, more information is needed for clarity about the city "permit fee" (cost, type of project, etc.).

1218, "One of Pacifica's biggest tourist attractions is the Pacifica Pier." really? Fishermen who bring their own sandwich? Well, locals and tourists walk along Beach Boulevard, with no place to stop and spend money unless its the small Chit Chat cafe on the pier. If what you say is so and through observation, then far past due, the old WWTP/Palmetto area immediately needs a "for sale" sign. Notwithstanding, city council's obligation is to promote and welcome" a developer-- and that means through regulations. Within the short term, think of all that up front permit income, regulation fees, plus the parcel tax fees.

Anon 1218, our city council meeting "dog and pony" show is an ongoing "lie" (aka: spin, and best face to the public. Its show time. But, I suspect you may have only voted for 2 city council members last election, whereas there was a change opportunity for 3 pro-economy candidates. Decisions are made by the city council majority of 3 (the other 2 if not in agreement "eat dirt". Maybe next election more of us can work together with the right number of candidates, and and not split or default the vote.

mike bell said...

The only possible way to start healing Pacifica is to get rid of Vreeland, deJarnatt and Digre. These puppets of "Pacificans for No Development" have squandered every opportunity to build a sustainable economy and have led us to this abyss.
I realize that some people would like to see these incompetents sit in their stew, hell I'd like to see the Republican Right be accountable for their crimes too, but we just don't have the luxury.
Don't forget that this trio still has the power to hand pick commissioners, create committees, create policy, block development, pick friendly consultants, hire and fire, cause lawsuits and spend foolishly as long as they hold office.
They've got it all wrong. We don't want cuts we want a sustainable economy. They had their opportunity and they failed. We can do better than this.

Kathy Meeh said...

Mike, what is it going to take for ordinary citizens who think they gain something from these muddleheaded city representatives to understand the devastation caused by their loyal but misguided voting choices?

mike bell said...

The problem is four-fold:
1. "Pacificans for No development" are unified, vote as a block and have no compunction about requiring the vast majority of us to subsidize their lifestyle choice.
2. "Pacificans for No Development" are not misguided or loyal to anyone but themselves. They subscribe to the selfish mantra, "I've got mine."
3. The remaining majority of Pacificans do not pay attention to the issues and lazily vote "name recognition' or not at all.
4. Those of us who do pay attention and understand why our local economy is in the shitter have not been able to muster up and properly support the correct number of candidates for each election cycle and dis-suade those who would dilute the vote.

The 3 Stooges have got to go as soon as possible either by recall or by holding their feet so close to the fire that they quit. (not likely because of medical and other benefits)
Their replacements should come out of the Chamber of Commerce where there is a modicum of understanding that a healthy city must have a healthy economy. The business community needs to rally around and support competent candidates with enough money and energy to overcome the welfare/entitlement mentality that has taken over Pacifica. This time we need to make sure that the majority of Pacificans understand that the lies of the "faux environmentalists" and the loss of critical public services in a decent livable city are connected.

Chris Porter said...

The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce brought forward so money making ideas to Council in a study session the past week. I am hoping we will be able to work together to bring poeple into town for travel, events, meetings, golfing, surfing, hiking et all. The presentation is on the Chamber website for all to review. Poeple on Patch were asking for the information on Saturday so here it is.

Anonymous said...

About the Pacifica Pier, I no longer bring visiting friends and family to the pier because it has become an outdoor toilet for the people who fish and hang out there. Says a lot about Pacifica and our priorities and living standards, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Forget the pier. 99% of the people fishing from it don't spend a dime here in Pacifica. They've managed to make such a smelly foul mess of it that it's not any kind of tourist attraction. Better the tourists don't see it. Since the state owns it we can't charge for use but we do have to pay for maintenance. Too bad the county health dept doesn't close it down and do us all a favor.

Thomas Clifford said...

Hi Chris I want to thank you,Courtney,and the whole Chamber of Commerce board for both the work that went into the proposal and bring it forward to the City Council. I hope that The City Council see the merit in the proposal an put it on the agenda for debate. Marketing and branding of Pacifica must become a priority along with the filling of our empty store fronts with businesses that meet residents and visitors needs. You guys make me proud to be a long time Chamber Member. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

The state owns the pier? I thought Pacifica owned it.

Sir Farts-a-Lot said...

I thought Andy "The Crab King" Pappas owned it.

Anonymous said...

Mike Bell hit it right on with the 4 fold problem.

I was guilty of item 3 my first year living in Pacifica (going with current standards). A year later, I've been voting against those 3 incumbents everytime but to my astonishment they somehow get re-elected.

I think the majority of Pacificans vote only on a name they recognize.

Anonymous said...

In order to make the much needed changes to the city council it will be vital to win over many of the voters who have continued to vote for the incumbents for a variety of reasons. "Vote for me, I'm a member of the chamber" isn't going to do that. Having too many candidates is another recipe for failure because it divides the vote and thus can favor the incumbents who will still have a solid base of supporters. A winning and positive political strategy and a strong couple of candidates
with broad appeal are all that's needed to put this town on track. Nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

Might consider that by the time the next election rolls around the incumbents could actually gain stature with voters because they will have ridden out the storm this city will go thru over the next 18-24 months. And, Pacifica will certainly not be alone in these hardtimes so it becomes harder to blame them. They may end up looking like resourceful problem solvers and real warriors and any criticism might seem purely personal or nasty old Pacifica politics--neither of which appeals to the voters. Just something to think about when putting together a campaign. As we've learned it is never easy to remove an incumbent. Some attacks backfire badly and not all endorsements are "good for business".

Steve Sinai said...

I find it very hard to believe that Digre, Vreeland and DeJarnatt will come out of this looking good. To loosely paraphrase Einstein, "the people who create the problems are not the ones who will solve them." I'm seeing nothing from these three that makes me think they are anything but clueless about what to do.

Whoever decided to wait until after the November election to put the fire tax on the ballot did Digre and Vreeland a huge favor.

Anonymous said...

Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

The Pacifica Pier is one of the biggest tourist attractions. Do your research. Bunch of idiots. Housing has taken another big hit. There will be no housing development. Stop harassing business with mafia style shake downs. With all the bitching and complaining that goes on over the lack of city council support for business and yet you still want to trust them with money by supporting the permit fees. The city can't account for the money it has spent, so why do you continue to support the regulations and permit fees. If a business wants to expand, that is a good thing for the community. The business would then hire contractors to build the business. The business would then need to hire more employees. All good. But too many business's are discouraged by the amount of money they would have to fork over to government before they can even begin. This is what is killing the middle class. Middle class jobs have disappeared and you can blame government for it. Government clears the way for the big ugly box stores, with their corporate lawyers and massive job creations and cheap goods, and personal service doesn't exist, employees are just a number. I guess that is what some people like, not me.

Harvey said...

who the heck are you bitching to? Do you hear little voices in your head?

Anonymous said...

anon@11:25 you're sounding kinda crazy

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon 3/8, 11:25pm, the problem is the economic, business and regulatory issues you bring-up are complex, but some of what you say is seemingly contradictory, and inaccurate: current construction/housing data.

And, the hometown data promoted to support the pier was questionable at best. Re-read Mike Bell 5/8, 1:25pm.

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon 3/8 11:25pm, I just saw this morning's news and mentioned was a current monthly (?) dip in the construction/housing recovery. The general trend and forecast (future) is more positive.

Anonymous said...

Housing reports they are taking another big hit. Future economy forcasts are dim, dour, catastrophic.

Unemployment is still over 9%. Jobs markets are changing. The jobs that used to be plentiful are no longer around. There is some type of cleansing in the job market going on today and could last until 2015. People will have to stay up to date on the new job developments if they are out of work and learn new skills.

Food prices after the month of june are slated to skyrocket. That explains why many people have started their own gardens. Many family's are already hurting and children are hungry.

Gasoline is supposed to be $5.00 this summer. One promise Obama has kept. He said energy prices will be "astronomically high this year".

Local governments will be closing their doors earlier. They have quietly been laying off people. The dont want the press attention.

Schools are closing across America. In California some districts are just shortening their days.

I dont know where you get your news, Kathy, but in every news source it is the same. The gig is up. Stop spreading your propaganda. Tell the truth.

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon 450, don't let my reliable, factual statical source references get in the way of your "thinking". The cycle we are in is that of a serious recession (not caused by the current President). We are coming out of this serious recession, but damage is cumulative, so its a process to recover and takes time. The Pacifica recession, however, has been going on for a decade.

What is it with you? With you, its not only the glass is half-empty, the glass is empty. We will get through this time, and move forward if Congress does not cause too much of a screw-up.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, that glass isn't empty, it's broken and anon stepped on it and is whimpering. Seriously, are we now so delicate and fragile a people that we have no resiliency, no belief in ourselves to see better days? God help us if anything really catastrophic happened to this country. Whiny anon...Got your health? Got your family? Place to sleep and food on the table? Then you have much to be thankful for. Go help somebody worse off and you'll feel better about this temporary setback we're living through.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, you really make no sense.

Anonymous said...

U.S. workers have been led to believe that a mixture of domestic stimulus and gradual entitlement reform will create long-term sustainable jobs in the industries in which they currently work, but that just isn't so, says Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at National University of Singapore.

"The idea that the U.S. too may have to adapt to new global economic realities seems almost inconceivable to Americans," Mahbubani writes in the Financial Times.

“Most Americans assume that, in the end, all will be well,” says Mahbubani.

Read more: FT: Americans Living in Denial Over Economic Future

Anonymous said...

@Anon9:57, its not me that you have to worry about. I am prepared and have skills. I can adapt to a changing world.

Its not me you have to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Irish Bombshell: Government Raids PRIVATE Pensions To Pay For Spending

Read more:

Obama and Pelosi already have stated that they want to take over all 401k, private pension savings accounts. It happened in Argentina. It is happening allover. Please pay attention.

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon (1014) the Irish pension "bomshell" you have referenced is a .06% tax only. And, the USA private 401(k) funds you mentioned are safe, fully regulated by the government under Federal law. There is no "takeover" issue. From which fake source did you get that miss-information?

The Obama/Pelosi comment follows, another jumbled misstatement. Where are your sources for these outrageous comments?

Kathy Meeh said...

Anon 952, I'm tired of the repeated lame " really make no sense." comments from you when you cannot even describe what makes "no sense" to you and why. Hiding under your Anonymous name with such comments, do you really think you are making sense?

I think what you are doing is an attack (a personal attack), this time on me, next time on someone else. I hope in the future Steve (Blogmaster) will also agree, and such comments will be removed.

Anonymous said...

I think anonymous was just pointing out that your run-on sentences and bad grammar make your commentary difficult to follow.

And it's hard to take your "hiding under anonymous" comments seriously when you do the same all the time, including earlier today.

Anonymous said...

I believe I get my point across. Elections results prove it.

Kathy Meeh said...

Well Anon whoever (1258), sorry you have problems with long sentences when issues may be complicated. And, my "bad grammar" issues are strictly typos, but your "bad grammar" is from what?

BTW, you are also wrong about me posting anonymous comments. Rarely do I comment under anonymous, and if my comment is made under an anonymous name, identity is just click through away. But you?????? If you are confused with another anonymous, you get what you deserve. Why don't you at least get a pen name?

And what do you mean by "I believe I get my point across. Elections results prove it." You get what point across? That you can't get your information correct? And, what elections prove what?????

Anonymous said...

When asked about the “intercepted” emails comment made on video, Costa Mesa City Councilman Jim Righeimer said, “Someone gave me a copy of the video and I immediately gave it to the Orange County District Attorney’s office for investigation. People have a right to privacy that we need to ensure is not being violated here.”

Anonymous said...
