Thursday, August 31, 2017
News for those unhappy with NextGen's aircraft rerouting
FAA Ordered to Vacate their 2014 NextGen Routes in Phoenix
After three years of misery and sleep loss, residents in the Phoenix area may finally see some relief. This Judgment was just announced:
Submitted by Andy Narraway
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Sanctuary City
Pacifica is attempting to out progressive San Francisco without the money. I personally think our immigration policy is in the toilet. We're a country of immigrants and the better for it. That said, our council needs to come back to the hard work of running this town. Our streets are a mess, there is garbage and potholes all over town. Quit fooling around pushing our city deeper into debt and farther out on the fringe. Pay attention to city business, councilmembers!
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Housing crisis: Will California force its cities to OK more building?
State lawmakers are desperate to address a statewide problem that has been decades in the making.
By Katy Murphy | | Bay Area News Group
Amid a housing crisis that is displacing the poor and forcing millennials and countless others to look outside the Bay Area to live, all eyes turned this week to the tiny Peninsula town of Brisbane where a developer wants to build thousands of homes on a 684-acre swath of wasteland.
Powerful tech companies, state lawmakers and pro-growth activists from around the region implored the City Council on Monday to allow housing on land once used as a rail yard and a landfill — an idea many residents oppose. But after hearing passionate arguments from both sides, the City Council shelved the decision, prolonging a land-use debate that has dragged on since 2005.
“There is a paralysis when it comes to decisions about housing, and the Brisbane project is the poster child for that,” said Matt Regan of the Bay Area Council, a business-sponsored public policy group.
The standstill in Brisbane crystallizes a challenge for state lawmakers desperate to address a statewide problem that has been decades in the making: Local governments wield tremendous power in decisions about whether and what kind of new housing to build, and they are not building enough. The Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates California is so behind that it needs as many as 100,000 more housing units a year — on top of what it typically constructs — just to stabilize prices.
In the nine-county Bay Area, the median price for a single-family home has topped $800,000. And nearly one-third of renters statewide — 1.5 million households — spend more than half their income on rent, according to state estimates.
Posted by Steve Sinai
By Katy Murphy | | Bay Area News Group
Amid a housing crisis that is displacing the poor and forcing millennials and countless others to look outside the Bay Area to live, all eyes turned this week to the tiny Peninsula town of Brisbane where a developer wants to build thousands of homes on a 684-acre swath of wasteland.
Powerful tech companies, state lawmakers and pro-growth activists from around the region implored the City Council on Monday to allow housing on land once used as a rail yard and a landfill — an idea many residents oppose. But after hearing passionate arguments from both sides, the City Council shelved the decision, prolonging a land-use debate that has dragged on since 2005.
“There is a paralysis when it comes to decisions about housing, and the Brisbane project is the poster child for that,” said Matt Regan of the Bay Area Council, a business-sponsored public policy group.
The standstill in Brisbane crystallizes a challenge for state lawmakers desperate to address a statewide problem that has been decades in the making: Local governments wield tremendous power in decisions about whether and what kind of new housing to build, and they are not building enough. The Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates California is so behind that it needs as many as 100,000 more housing units a year — on top of what it typically constructs — just to stabilize prices.
In the nine-county Bay Area, the median price for a single-family home has topped $800,000. And nearly one-third of renters statewide — 1.5 million households — spend more than half their income on rent, according to state estimates.
Posted by Steve Sinai
Rent Control Signers
In the interest of "transparency" I thought it would be interesting to see who signed the argument for rent control.
John Keener
Evelyn Stivers
Zenaida Cortez
Carolyn Jaramillo
Jerome Foley
It will be interesting to see who signs their rebuttal to argument against Measure C.
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
City Council study session, Monday, August 28, 2017
If you've missed regular meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube! City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.
Interactive City Council Study Session, 8/28/17 City Council Study Session 8/28/17, pdf pages 40.
Open Session, 6:00 p.m.
Call to order, roll call.
1. Short term rental regulation guidance: management of operation, report. a) Coastal Commission Zone. b) 21 Elements San Mateo County/regional vacation rentals options. c) Pacifica Bed and Breakfast ordinances.
Public comment. Adjourn. Note photograph image from Pinterest.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Planning Commission meeting, Monday, August 21, 2017
Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube! The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission. Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 08/21/17.
Interactive Planning Commission Agenda, 8/21/17 Planning Commission Agenda, 8/21/17, pdf pages 244
Open Session, 7:00 p.m. Administrative : Order of the meeting agenda; approval of draft Minutes: a) 7/17/17, b) 8/7/17. Communications: Public oral. Study Session, none. Closed Session report, none. Presentation, none.
Continued Public hearings
Item 1, secondary residential units: not our neighborhood. Try getting this one approved. |
1. TA-105-17. Amend various municipal text (TA) codes for accessory dwelling/secondary residential units to conform with CA legislative code 65852.2 (affecting residential property Citywide), report. a) Resolution. b) CA law: AB 2299 and SB 1069, c) Existing Articles 4.5, d) Draft Chapters 4, 5, 7 ordinances, e) Existing municipal code to be amended, pdf pages 103. f) Planning Commission Minutes, 4/17/17. g) Public Comments, 7/17/17. Planning Commission meeting reports, (without attachments): h) Report 7/17/17 (2), i) Report.4/17/17. j) Map: 1/2 mile from bus stops.
ConsiderationAdministrative: designation of PC liaison to the next City Council meeting: 9/11/17, (accessory dwelling units).
2. Library Advisory Committee (LAC) vacancy appointment, report. a) Agenda memo, 1/19/16.
Communications: Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn.
Reference, Item 1. Multi-family dwelling rent increase, 435 Gateway Drive: Google Street Map. Reference, acronyms. APN, Assessor's parcel number, CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. LDR, low density residential. PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Variance. S, Sign permit. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application. SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit. Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial, R1, S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance. CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2. Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica. Note photograph. Item 1. Build on the beach image from The Herald blog/City of Miami Beach.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Elections Office representative at Democrats meeting Saturday, August 19, 2017
Pacifica-Daly City Democrats/Connie Menefee, President, email 8/15/17.
This will be a particularly timely presentation: the strength and survivability of our democracy depends on security and trustworthiness of our voting systems. Confirmed Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, combined with President Trump's unsubstantiated allegations that massive illegal voting was the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, have heightened concerns regarding election integrity.
The meeting begins at 9:30 am in the banquet room at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant. Breakfast is available at $12, or continental at $6 or just coffee at $3. However, no purchase is necessary and the meeting is free and open to the general public."
Submitted by Connie Menefee, President Pacifica-Daly City Democrats
Careful ballot processing. |
Reference. Office, San Mateo County Official Election/Shape the Future. CA Senate Bill, B-450 Elections: vote by mail voting and mail ballot elections.
Related. San Mateo County. Verified Voting Foundation/Voting News/Jim Irizarry, linked to The Almanac/Dave Boyce, 11/17/15, "Voter turnout rises in 'all-mail' ballot election." Brennan Center for Justice, "Myth of Voter Fraud." ACLU Oppose Voter ID Legislation Fact Sheet. Recent articles The New York Times, 7/22/17 "The bogus voter-fraud commission." The Atlantic, 7/26/17, "What's the Real Goal of Trump's Voter-Fraud Commission?"
Note photographs/graphics. Vote here from KRON 4/Emily Kirschenheuter, 6/8/16,"San Mateo County: Supes race head to runoff ..." Processing ballots from Mercury News/Eric Kurhi, 10/9/17. "Santa Clara County Officials vow to keep polls free from fraud, intimidation." No fraud zone from Kappit Fraud Jokes.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Sunday, August 13, 2017
City Council meeting Monday, August 14, 2017
Attend in person, 2212
Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific
Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26
YouTube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly
there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website. Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 08/14/17.
Interactive City Council Agenda, 8/14/16. City Council Agenda, 8/14/17, pdf pages 552.
Closed session, 5:30 p.m. 1. Government code 54956.8, property negotiations: price and terms of payment discussion: a portion of 540 Crespi Drive, APN 022-162-420.
2. Government code 54956.8, property negotiations: instructions to negotiators, price and terms of payment, 2212 Beach Boulevard: Friend Development Group LLC, a Delaware LLC.
Open session, 7:00 p.m.
Call to order, roll call, salute to
flag. Closed Session report. Special presentations: none. Proclamation: none.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements 6/15/17 - 7/15/17, report. a) FY 2017-2018, b) FY 2016-2017.
2. Approval of City Council meeting Minutes, report. a) 7/24/17.
3. Proclamation confirming existence of a local emergency" Pacifica coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Blvd., report. a) bluff failure photographs, 8-1-17.
4. Ordinance second reading amending election information disclosure: including publication and reporting of campaign contributions, and independent expenditures over $5,000, report/Ordinance.
5. Repeal and rescind the temporary rent increase moratorium ordinance, second reading, report/Ordinance.
6. Resolution contract with SM County Human Services Agency to provide out-of-school STEM hands-on learning for Elementary/Middle School youth (50% match), funding award $34,976, report/Resolution.
7. Approve SM County Office of Education contracts, providing child care, development services, preschool classes (CSPP), FY 2017-18: CA State grant $279,023, report/Resolution. a) Contract, 7/1/17 - 6/30/18.
8. Approve job description for Senior Planner, report/Resolution. a) Senior Planner job description.
9. Award FY 2016-17 Collections System Project construction contract to C2R Engineering, Inc., $482,820, report. a) C005D Contract.
10. Approve Bay City Electric Works purchase order for an 80 KW Kohler power system generator and transfer switch; and Calcon Systems, Inc. for installation at the David Davis Lift Station, report. a) Bay City Electric Works (Kohler generator), $54,870. b) Calcon contract, $41,485.
11. Approve Raney Planning & Management, Inc., second amendment to city-wide planning consultant agreement: increase budget $100,000, total contract not to exceed $250,000, report. a) Second amendment agreement.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff.
Public hearings
12. Municipal Code regulation amendments, permitting electric vehicle charging spaces and charging stations, report/Ordinance text amendments. a) Plug-in electric vehicle sales graph, 2011-17. b) CA Assembly Bill 1236.
13. Complete an update of the Draft Local Coastal Plan, report. a) Request for Proposals, 6/28/17, pdf pages 59. Proposals, 7/24/17: b) ESA, pdf pages 84. c) Revell Coastal, pdf pages 60. d) Standard consultant contract, pdf pages 11.
14. Aircraft flying into and from San Francisco International Airport, future potential action, report. a) FAA Initiative to address regional noise. b) Congressional letter, 7/28/17. c) Roundtable Legislative Subcommittee Meeting Summary. d) Letter from Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson. e) SFO Community Roundtable Annual Work Plan, 7/1/17 - 6/30/17.
15. Appointments to the Beautification Advisory Committee; Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission; Open Space & Parkland Advisory Committee; Planning Commission, report. Applicants: a) Beautification Advisory Committee. b) Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission. c) Open Space & Parkland Advisory Committee. d) Planning Commission.
16. Adopt resolution approving the City investment policy, report/Resolution. a) COP Investment Policy 2017.
17. Flood damage prevention ordinance, report. a) Proposed Ordinance. b) Existing Ordinance.
Adjourn. Note: photograph #3 from California Beaches/Sharp Park Beach, Pacifica, CA.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Interactive City Council Agenda, 8/14/16. City Council Agenda, 8/14/17, pdf pages 552.
Closed session, 5:30 p.m. 1. Government code 54956.8, property negotiations: price and terms of payment discussion: a portion of 540 Crespi Drive, APN 022-162-420.
2. Government code 54956.8, property negotiations: instructions to negotiators, price and terms of payment, 2212 Beach Boulevard: Friend Development Group LLC, a Delaware LLC.
Open session, 7:00 p.m.
Item 13. Local Coastal Plan. Protect our Sharp Park community. |
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements 6/15/17 - 7/15/17, report. a) FY 2017-2018, b) FY 2016-2017.
2. Approval of City Council meeting Minutes, report. a) 7/24/17.
3. Proclamation confirming existence of a local emergency" Pacifica coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Blvd., report. a) bluff failure photographs, 8-1-17.
4. Ordinance second reading amending election information disclosure: including publication and reporting of campaign contributions, and independent expenditures over $5,000, report/Ordinance.
5. Repeal and rescind the temporary rent increase moratorium ordinance, second reading, report/Ordinance.
6. Resolution contract with SM County Human Services Agency to provide out-of-school STEM hands-on learning for Elementary/Middle School youth (50% match), funding award $34,976, report/Resolution.
7. Approve SM County Office of Education contracts, providing child care, development services, preschool classes (CSPP), FY 2017-18: CA State grant $279,023, report/Resolution. a) Contract, 7/1/17 - 6/30/18.
8. Approve job description for Senior Planner, report/Resolution. a) Senior Planner job description.
9. Award FY 2016-17 Collections System Project construction contract to C2R Engineering, Inc., $482,820, report. a) C005D Contract.
10. Approve Bay City Electric Works purchase order for an 80 KW Kohler power system generator and transfer switch; and Calcon Systems, Inc. for installation at the David Davis Lift Station, report. a) Bay City Electric Works (Kohler generator), $54,870. b) Calcon contract, $41,485.
11. Approve Raney Planning & Management, Inc., second amendment to city-wide planning consultant agreement: increase budget $100,000, total contract not to exceed $250,000, report. a) Second amendment agreement.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff.
Public hearings
12. Municipal Code regulation amendments, permitting electric vehicle charging spaces and charging stations, report/Ordinance text amendments. a) Plug-in electric vehicle sales graph, 2011-17. b) CA Assembly Bill 1236.
13. Complete an update of the Draft Local Coastal Plan, report. a) Request for Proposals, 6/28/17, pdf pages 59. Proposals, 7/24/17: b) ESA, pdf pages 84. c) Revell Coastal, pdf pages 60. d) Standard consultant contract, pdf pages 11.
14. Aircraft flying into and from San Francisco International Airport, future potential action, report. a) FAA Initiative to address regional noise. b) Congressional letter, 7/28/17. c) Roundtable Legislative Subcommittee Meeting Summary. d) Letter from Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson. e) SFO Community Roundtable Annual Work Plan, 7/1/17 - 6/30/17.
15. Appointments to the Beautification Advisory Committee; Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission; Open Space & Parkland Advisory Committee; Planning Commission, report. Applicants: a) Beautification Advisory Committee. b) Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission. c) Open Space & Parkland Advisory Committee. d) Planning Commission.
16. Adopt resolution approving the City investment policy, report/Resolution. a) COP Investment Policy 2017.
17. Flood damage prevention ordinance, report. a) Proposed Ordinance. b) Existing Ordinance.
Adjourn. Note: photograph #3 from California Beaches/Sharp Park Beach, Pacifica, CA.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
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